Content Marketing Rules: Always Be Authentic

When it comes to content marketing, there is one thing that could be even more important than using the right keywords. That one thing is authenticity. 

Authentic content can connect you with your target audience on an emotional level. Many businesses are afraid of humanizing their brand too much. Authenticity sometimes feels like taking moral stances on subjects for marketing purposes. True authenticity, however, is simply taking these stances as a brand and a business because they're important to you and the business. Authenticity engages an audience and motivates them by connecting with them on topics and material they are passionate about. Authentic content strives to build brand trust and a relationship with your customers.  

Why Does Authenticity Matter in Content Marketing?

Authentic and genuine content focuses on emotion. 

Think about all the accounts you follow and engage with regularly in your personal life. Chances are they're either individual people or engaging brands with human-like qualities and passions that you feel connected to. 

When you lead with authenticity in your content creation, you'll enjoy a few benefits:

  • The content will be more enjoyable for you to create and more engaging for your audience. 
  • The copy and content you post will always be more readable and relatable. 
  • Authenticity elicits an emotional response and connection with your audience. Emotions play a much more significant role in the decision to purchase something than anything else. 
  • Authentic content encourages communication with your audience and can help you to generate more reviews and user-generated content. 
  • Honest and authentic content builds stronger brand loyalty and trust. When 20% of your customers make up 80% of your sales, brand loyalty plays a huge part in your success.

The problem with creating quality content that's authentic is that many businesses aren't making authenticity the goal. They're making marketing and sales the goal, and authenticity is simply the method to get there. Authentic copy is motivated by the desire to engage with and provide value to your customer. 

Any professional copywriter for hire will tell you that there is one main rule to remember when writing: Always write for the audience.

How to create authentic content

Creating authentic content is easier said than done. For many, creating valuable and authentic content that also drives sales and conversions is extremely difficult. So we thought we would give you a few tips.

1. Use data

Being authentic doesn’t mean ignoring the data. Authenticity comes across in content when you care enough to provide the kind of value specific to an individual. Utilize data to create unique and authentic content tailored directly to your customer’s needs. 

2. Employ the power of story

Storytelling naturally capitalizes on fundamental human nature. Through story, we can more easily emotionally engage our audience as well as showcase what we stand for as a brand. Don't think of your product as an item — consider it as a solution to a problem. This problem and solution is the story you should lead with. 

3. Write for people

When we utilize the data, we understand who we are speaking to, and we use a story as a means to communicate. We automatically speak to people and not search engines. Search Engine Optimization is important in content marketing, but if people don't genuinely connect with your content, all that effort you put in is pointless. 

Authentic content does not have to be extremely personal. Authentic content simply strives to put the consumer first. It seeks to connect with your customer or readership and to begin a conversation on important topics or emotional grounds. We all know how to communicate with each other in real life. Now, bring that skill to the keyboard. 

If you feel like you simply don't have time to create authentic, optimized, and effective content to promote your business, Ghostit's team of content creators can help. We have a variety of content services and work hard to promote your brand voice in an authentic way, instead of the sales-y way. Get in touch today and let us help you develop the right content plan for your business.

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Content Marketing Rules: Always Be Authentic

Content Marketing Rules: Always Be Authentic

Author :

Stephanie Brown

When it comes to content marketing, there is one thing that could be even more important than using the right keywords. That one thing is authenticity. 

Authentic content can connect you with your target audience on an emotional level. Many businesses are afraid of humanizing their brand too much. Authenticity sometimes feels like taking moral stances on subjects for marketing purposes. True authenticity, however, is simply taking these stances as a brand and a business because they're important to you and the business. Authenticity engages an audience and motivates them by connecting with them on topics and material they are passionate about. Authentic content strives to build brand trust and a relationship with your customers.  

Why Does Authenticity Matter in Content Marketing?

Authentic and genuine content focuses on emotion. 

Think about all the accounts you follow and engage with regularly in your personal life. Chances are they're either individual people or engaging brands with human-like qualities and passions that you feel connected to. 

When you lead with authenticity in your content creation, you'll enjoy a few benefits:

  • The content will be more enjoyable for you to create and more engaging for your audience. 
  • The copy and content you post will always be more readable and relatable. 
  • Authenticity elicits an emotional response and connection with your audience. Emotions play a much more significant role in the decision to purchase something than anything else. 
  • Authentic content encourages communication with your audience and can help you to generate more reviews and user-generated content. 
  • Honest and authentic content builds stronger brand loyalty and trust. When 20% of your customers make up 80% of your sales, brand loyalty plays a huge part in your success.

The problem with creating quality content that's authentic is that many businesses aren't making authenticity the goal. They're making marketing and sales the goal, and authenticity is simply the method to get there. Authentic copy is motivated by the desire to engage with and provide value to your customer. 

Any professional copywriter for hire will tell you that there is one main rule to remember when writing: Always write for the audience.

How to create authentic content

Creating authentic content is easier said than done. For many, creating valuable and authentic content that also drives sales and conversions is extremely difficult. So we thought we would give you a few tips.

1. Use data

Being authentic doesn’t mean ignoring the data. Authenticity comes across in content when you care enough to provide the kind of value specific to an individual. Utilize data to create unique and authentic content tailored directly to your customer’s needs. 

2. Employ the power of story

Storytelling naturally capitalizes on fundamental human nature. Through story, we can more easily emotionally engage our audience as well as showcase what we stand for as a brand. Don't think of your product as an item — consider it as a solution to a problem. This problem and solution is the story you should lead with. 

3. Write for people

When we utilize the data, we understand who we are speaking to, and we use a story as a means to communicate. We automatically speak to people and not search engines. Search Engine Optimization is important in content marketing, but if people don't genuinely connect with your content, all that effort you put in is pointless. 

Authentic content does not have to be extremely personal. Authentic content simply strives to put the consumer first. It seeks to connect with your customer or readership and to begin a conversation on important topics or emotional grounds. We all know how to communicate with each other in real life. Now, bring that skill to the keyboard. 

If you feel like you simply don't have time to create authentic, optimized, and effective content to promote your business, Ghostit's team of content creators can help. We have a variety of content services and work hard to promote your brand voice in an authentic way, instead of the sales-y way. Get in touch today and let us help you develop the right content plan for your business.

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